IN JAN OF 2024...

I decided that I would completely change how I showed up and sold in my business. 


I broke the rules and started the year with a goddamn bang.

A new feminine way of selling that would lead to my first $500k month that same month, followed shortly by a million dollar month bang. 


I threw out free masterclasses.

I threw out the traditional sales ‘strategies’  

I threw out having to be glued to my business 24/7.


I completely redefined what the meaning of 'freedom' looked and felt like as a mom with two kids and a woman wtih a multi million dollar business. 


I decided that 5-figure days and 7-figure months would be my new normal in 2024

I was already trailblazing my way to 8-figures  



But I was ready to do it at an illogical rate..


I was ready to start 2024 with a...




I wanted to sell and make money [delusional money] in a way that no one else was.


In a way that meant the freedom was as illogical as the income that came with it. 


I didn't want to have to be on IG or online 24/7 in order for sales to continue to pour in. I wanted to make multi 5-figure days the standard: without even posting daily, without spending hours in the dms. 


The one thing I know to be true about money?


Money loves speed. But not in the way you have previously been taught.  


Speed doesn't look like doing what everyone else is doing (I can't be the only one who is bored).


Speed doesn't look like posting 3 times per day, selling 20 offers in your story slides, sending all the emails and doing all the free masterclasses (I would rather die).


Speed is actually the potency of the *what* you are doing and the system of the how.  


Speed is actually about the velocity in which you move.... it's in the disruption you are able to create with every move you make. 


The best part of the way that I normalized $33k+ cash days?


Every move I make, no matter how seemingly *small* creates noise.... when I move people pay attention & then they pay (fast). 


All while I am sipping my morning coffee. 



When you know how to show up & sell from this strategy (and this energy), everything you do will go off with a BANG.


Every time you post: the sales tap turns on.

Every time you show up and speak: the credit cards get thrown your way. 

Every time you check your phone? A screen of payment notifications lit up brighter than the Eiffel tower at night in Paris. 


BANG isn't just about learning how to make sales at speed. It's about learning how to disrupt the industry every time you make a move. 


This is how I have become known as *the* trailblazer of the coaching industry.


Because everything I do ... goes off with a BANG.


Inside BANG the sales challenge..


I will be breaking down the exact visibility and sales strategies I have used to create consistent $1M months inside Rich Queen (the exact strategies that will be scaling RQ to 8-figures this year alone)




How I sell multiple offers at once without having to show up every day, without doing sales call or live launches  


The exact behind the scenes and public sales strategies that allow me to make 30k+ cash days and $1m months inside Rich Queen


The high converting, cash injection strategies that will make Jan your biggest month ever [what made Rich Queen a $500k month in Jan 2024 & what will create $1m+ in Jan 2025]


Visibility strategies that disrupt the online space & will have you seen heard and paid by your million dollar clients without launching, living on ig or feeling like you are using fake hype or urgency. 


Behind the scenes of how I make 5 figures every time I show up, regardless of how I show up, whether it’s a post / story / live / email. My exact system.

The women inside my world have trailblazed their way through 2024 with a BANG as well..



$1111 USD

  • Inside BANG, I will be breaking down the exact strategies i have used to create 8 figures in 2024, (after starting the year with an audience of just 10k).

  • Including:

  • How I sell multiple offers at once without having to show up every day, without doing sales call or live launches  

  • The exact behind the scenes and public sales strategies that allow me to make 30k cash days and $1m months inside Rich Queen

  • The high converting, cash injection strategies that will make Jan your biggest month ever [what made Rich Queen a $500k month in Jan 2024 & now $1M months on repeat]

  • Disruptive visibility strategies that will have you seen heard and paid by your million dollar clients without launching or sales calls (like the trailblazer you are)

  • Behind the scenes of how I make 5 figures every time I show up, regardless of how I show up, whether it’s a post / story / live / email. My exact system.

  • This sales challenge is instant access and is held in Telegram.



x3 $444 USD

  • Inside BANG, I will be breaking down the exact strategies i have used to create 8 figures in 2024, (after starting the year with an audience of just 10k).

  • Including:

  • How I sell multiple offers at once without having to show up every day, without doing sales call or live launches  

  • The exact behind the scenes and public sales strategies that allow me to make 30k cash days and $1m months inside Rich Queen

  • The high converting, cash injection strategies that will make Jan your biggest month ever [what made Rich Queen a $500k month in Jan 2024 & now $1M months on repeat]

  • Disruptive visibility strategies that will have you seen heard and paid by your million dollar clients without launching or sales calls (like the trailblazer you are)

  • Behind the scenes of how I make 5 figures every time I show up, regardless of how I show up, whether it’s a post / story / live / email. My exact system.

  • This sales challenge is instant access and is held in Telegram.


Leanne Lopez Mosley, is an internationally renowned Forbes Featured Business & Messaging Mentor for female entrepreneurs looking to turn their content and offers into a 7 figure sales machine (all without live launching and sales calls).


Widely known as the Trailblazer of the female coaching industry, Leanne has scaled her brand Rich Queen to $1M months in under 4 years all with an audience of under 16K, without live launching or sales calls. 


Her work has become highly sought after in helping women like you, match your messaging to your genius, and supports you in building your very own simple and high converting Freedom Funnels™ that create sales all day, every day (regardless of how much time you do or don't spend on IG).


If making Bank from every piece of content you share, without posting 2X per day or living with your glued to your face is your love language, then consider yourself officially in your Rich Queen Era. 

Leanne Lopez Mosley, is an internationally renowned Forbes featured business & messaging mentor for female entrepreneurs looking to turn their content and offers into a 7 figure sales machine (all without live launching and sales calls).
Widely known as the trailblazer of the female coaching industry, Leanne has scaled her brand Rich Queen to $1m months in under 4 years all with an audience of under 16k, without live launching or sales calls. 
Her work has become highly sought after in helping women like you, match your messaging to your genius, and supports you in building your very own simple and high converting Freedom Funnels™ that create sales all day, every day (regardless of how much time you do or don't spend on IG).
If making bank from every piece of content you share, without posting 2x per day or living with your glued to your face is your love language, then consider yourself officially in your Rich Queen era.
Important Disclaimer: Rich Queen cannot and does not give any guarantees on results or earnings with our information, courses, programs, masterminds, coaching, plans, tools or strategies.  
You recognize and agree that nobody and nothing part of the Rich Queen brand has made any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations, or guarantees whatsoever to you about future earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of rich queen programs, courses, trainings, masterclasses or coaching and that we have not authorized any such implication, promise or representation by others. there are no guarantees of results or future earnings. There are no refunds. All sales are final. 
We may reference our own sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of our previous or existing purchasers. Please understand that we are not guaranteeing your success, and that the results we reference are not typical or average. We are displaying these results for example purposes only. Individual earnings and results will vary, and depend on many factors, including your background, business experience, motivation and work ethic.
There are no refunds. If you are purchasing The Inner Circle and for any reason you decide to leave before the full amount is paid off, you will be responsible for paying the difference of the full price of each program that has taken place since you first registered. If payments are late, you will be removed from any current program until payments are back in good standing.
For all programs and masterminds, if you are paying through a payment plan, you are responsible for completing each payment regardless if you leave the program or do not complete it in the time-frame provided. There are no refunds.